Feeding the Chickens

Life is changing and changing fast. One thing you should include in you story are the things you did that your grandchildren will never do because life has changed so much. My grandfather used to hook up two dozen horses to pull a wheat combine. My mother used to feed chickens and then take off feathers before cooking them. I used to dial a rotary phone and had to go to the library to find out how many people lived in Peru. 

These are the things that your grandchildren are going to want to know – the way things used to be. Things they will never have to do and will find it amazing that you had to do them. I will provide them with a useful understanding that life does change and that it is changing quickly.

It might be helpful to them to let them know how hard life used to be. Truth is that life is physically much easier today than it was 50 or 100 years ago. Another truth is that it was much simpler and had it’s own benefits. Not having a cell phone was a simpler life without comparing your life to your friends. It was a safer world where kids drank water out of garden hoses and could ride their bikes as far as they wanted as long as they were home by the time the street lights came on. There was much more trust in neighbors and people were not as polarized as they are today. 

What things do you remembering doing that your grandchildren will be amazed that you actually did?