Better Than The Best

I am halfway through a biography of a legendary NFL football coach considered by many to be the greatest of all time. As I read about his life and I struck by how bad he was a father. He was really bad. Yelling at his children and basically putting them second to his coaching career. He was so focused on his career that he was also a very, very poor husband. The important thing in his life was his football coaching career – not his wife and children.

To me this is a tragedy. I don’t care how many games he won or lost, if he basically ignored his wife and children when they needed him. His priorities were messed up. Football is not more important than your wife and children. 

Reading this biography made me reflect on my life and my choices. It made me realize that although I am not rich or famously successful, that I did make my wife and children my priority. In a very real sense it made me realize that I was better than the best – in ways that really mattered to me.

My life priorities were well placed and adhered to. This is something I find great comfort in and should be included in my letter. Writing about where this legendary coach put his priorities is something I want my grandchildren to know. Be very careful where you put your priorities. What is more important – public success or being a good father?

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