A Victory for Humanity

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”  – Horace Mann

Writing  a letter to your grandchildren can be that victory. Claim that victory, write your letter.

Here is a story about a twelve year old boy who was given some advice. The boy was at a crossroad. He could have chosen to vent his anger in violence or he could have chosen to redirect his anger constructively based on the wise words spoken to him by someone who cared about him. He chose wisely and changed his life dramatically. The person that gave him those helpful words won a victory for humanity.

It was 1954, a twelve year old boy had his beloved bike stolen. The boy was pissed. A caring and wise man advised the boy to learn how to box before he hunted down the thief that stole his bike. The boy took the advice, went to a gym and learned how to box. The boy was Cassius Clay, who later became Mohamed Ali.

That caring and wise man’s advice changed Mohamed Ali’s life. The boy listened, made an important decision and greatly improved his life. Mohamed Ali’s life went on to inspired hundreds of thousands of other people. Victory for humanity.

Your letter can be that victory for humanity.

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